Losses that are gains

Noelia Acosta

We spend our lives suffering losses, losses of all kinds. We lose freedom, health, people, family....life is full of grief, and sometimes we chain them to each other.

Today I will tell you about when I felt like I would never be "healthy" again.

During my life I have had many types of losses; In May 2011 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and I lost my health in the blink of an eye, suddenly my world collapsed, I was 26 years old, a whole life planned and full of dreams and all of this suddenly went away.

I spent more than 9 months with my legs "asleep" I couldn't feel them, I couldn't walk well, I couldn't lead a "normal life" and I had to start pricking myself daily to "control" the disease. Every now and then I was in the hospital, I felt empty inside, with no courage to move forward. It was then when I started having panic attacks on the street, I felt like everyone was talking about me and looking at me, it was a horrible feeling.

But little by little I felt that I had to continue my life and overcome life's obstacles, and that change of "chip" was where I saw that where there was a LOSS I could achieve a GAIN.

It's a little hard at first, but when you're diagnosed with a chronic, incurable disease, you have no choice. You learn to live in a different way than what you were used to, and the first thing is to respect your rhythms, once you achieve this (which is not little) everything goes smoothly.